
  • Ljubljana – a Slovenian Surprise - 2018

    The longer we stayed here the more we came to appreciate the origin of the name Ljubljana. The most popular belief is that it derives from the word Ljubljena, meaning “Beloved”. And we agreed.

  • Jeannie’s Genealogical Journey - 2018

    As we departed Trieste, Italy, I eagerly scanned the roadside for the first indication that I had entered the country that my Dad’s ancestors came from, and only two generations removed.

    Karst to Coast - 2018

    Though Slovenia is a small country, it isn’t lacking in interesting things to see or places to visit but, we didn’t have an automobile, and many places are essentially inaccessible by public transport.

    It Was a Dark and Stormy Night - 2018

    It was our last night in Ljubljana, but there was no rain or clouds or winds. Then jeannie said, “I don’t feel so great and my stomach is still a bit unsettled.”

    Pohod v Slovenijo – Walking in Slovenia - 2018

    As the taxi pulled into the drive of Pri Lenart, Zana came out and warmly greeted us with a big, cheerful smile. Such was the start to several days of wonderfully challenging walks over some of the hills and mountains of Slovenia.

    Flowers, Fungi, and Fliers - 2018

    We were expecting beautiful vistas overlooking the foothills and mountains of the Julian Alps, and we certainly weren’t disappointed. But don't forget to look down.

    Walking Adventures in Slovenia – I - 2018

    We awoke to sunlight peeking over the distant hilltops through our open window and enjoyed the cheerful songs of birds in the meadows. Today we begin our walking holiday in Slovenia.

    A Long Hike, Some Hail and a Slovene Feast - 2018

    Awakening to another beautiful morning in this stunning region of the world, the day began with a great breakfast. We were ready to meet a day that continued to get better ... for a while.

    Gorges, Waterfalls, Lakes, and Goodbyes - 2018

    Today’s walk would be along the impressive Mostnica gorge, through the meadows of the Voje valley and up to the beautiful Voje waterfall. Then, there would be one last walk before departing for Croatia.