A Profitable Brotherly Visit

Chris and Jeannie - WCF-1388.jpg

A day never goes by that we don’t marvel at something; whether it is being surrounded by centuries-old buildings, the food, or the culture in general. So, it was curious when, in conversation, we were introduced to the French verb profiter.

As I have said before, we once heard the saying that the French “appreciate the distinction between the accumulation of joy, and the joy of accumulation”. So too, the verb profiter is often used to mean “enjoy”, i.e. to enjoy holidays, good weather, or experiences. It does not carry the negative connotation sometimes associated with in English. Nous profitez la vie! We enjoy life!

Mike and Kathy - WCF-2028.jpgOne of the best parts of enjoying life is being able to share our experiences. That is what this blog is about. And sometimes we have visitors that come over and profiter de la vie / enjoy the life with us.

Such was the case recently when my brother Michael and his lovely wife Kathy came to visit for a few days. We have been fortunate to have them spend time with us a few times in the past (Paris, Rennes, and Barcelona), and we welcomed their visit once again.

We spent a full couple of days of wandering Toulouse, its markets, gardens, churches, and sights. Jeannie and Kathy even took one afternoon to go shopping together at a few of the many boutiques, shoe stores, and jewelry shops in the city – an activity Chris usually lacks enthusiasm in doing.

Of course, after a picnic in the park on the day of their arrival, we ate out at a wide variety of restaurants that Toulouse has to offer. From small sidewalk bistros to fine dining, we tried a variety of styles and cuisines, and of course wines.The City of Carcassonne and the Old Bridge crossing the Aude - WCF-90.jpg

Part way through their visit, we took the train down to storm visit the ancient medieval citadel Carcassonne. It had been two years since Jeannie and I had had been there, so we were equally eager to return and to have them experience this spectacular place. Besides, traveling there by train together would be fun as well. Fortunately, the weather cooperated, and we had a full day of roaming around the massive fortress and the surrounding town.  WCF-1296.jpgMay Day parade in Toulouse - WCF-9414.jpg

After returning to Toulouse, we had another full day of shopping the markets for ingredients for a delicious final meal together in the apartment. The next day Mike and Kathy had to depart, while Jeannie and I needed to pack for a three-night visit to Lyon.

It had been a wonderful, whirlwind visit with my brother and his wife, and over that final meal together, we plotted when and where we would next get together – to profitez la vie.




This Post Has 18 Comments

  1. Great photos as always! Hoping the amazing journey continues!

  2. Wonderful pictures. Very Jealous of you. Have you been to Rennes le Chateau? I always wanted to tour Europe, but time and money have slipped away from me. Thank you for letting me enjoy your journey through the lens of your life and camera.

  3. Another life adventure with my brother and sister! Love you both…

  4. Wonderful read and photos.

  5. As always it looks like you are all having fun. Go Fooshee’s.

    1. Neona,
      Indeed, we are having fun. In spite of the various challenges “chaque jour est rempli d’émerveillement” [every day is filled with wonder].

  6. This group of photos has one thing missing which most of your other groups contained. There are nothrongs of people. It appears as if the four of you are visiting these glorious places all by yourselves. Many of these photos look like watercolor paintings. What a beautiful story thank you . I know how fun it is to share great experiences with siblings

    1. We arrived at Carcassonne in the morning, and watched as it filled with tourists. Finding quiet time without the crowds is a real gift. Our future blog about Sarlat will show many throngs of people as it was market day. Stay tuned…

  7. Chers amis de la Tête d’Or (Lyon),
    Merci de nous faire profiter de vos photos, comme le souligne Evy, les gargouilles sont drôles, surtout celle la du notable / ecclésiastique (?) qui se hurle / prêche en se bouchant les oreilles ! Un règlement de comptes?
    Nous lisons votre blogue, vous suivons et profitons de vos voyages.
    Quelle chance de vous avoir rencontrés !

    1. Monique wrote:

      Dear friends of the Tête d’Or (Lyon),
      Thank you for letting us take advantage of your photos, as Evy points out, the gargoyles are funny, especially that of the notable / ecclesiastical (?) Who screams / preaches by closing his ears! A settlement of accounts?
      We read your blog, follow you and benefit from your travels.
      How lucky to have met you!

      Thank you for visiting our blog Monique, and also for your kind words. We value our brief meeting in the park Tet d’Or more than you know.

  8. Love the Gargoyles! Shows that the ancients had a sense of humor. I am glad to see a photo of you two together, a rarity in these picture dialogues of yours!
    Only 2.5 weeks until my Scottish adventure!
    Until we meet again,

  9. Fabulous pictures as always. So nice that Mike and Kathy have been able to visit with you during your travels.

  10. Good Stuff. Keep it coming!!

  11. Thank you! Merci’!!!!!

  12. Love my cousins! Love that idea of accumulating joy!

    1. Thanks Lem. And we seem to be amassing more of that joy substance daily. C

  13. Picnic in France .. always great

    1. Love you both bro.

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